The purpose of this section is to be an archive of my personal Tarot exercises, so that I have them all collected together, and can clean out storage space in various other places. I don't know how much use it will be to others, but since I get so many comments about my Hallowquest meditations, I thought I might as well make it public. The current Tarot exercises are from books, web sites and discussion lists, and will be individually credited where appropriate. Bold listings are new since previous update. |
"Microcosmic" personal exercise readings
EXERCISE CT #1: Quick evaluation and solution
EXERCISE CT #2: Energy Spread
EXERCISE CT #3: Cosmic Pool
EXERCISE CT #4: Emperor Spread
EXERCISE CT #5: Connection to the Divine
EXERCISE CT #7: The Chariot-The Challenge
EXERCISE CT #8: Justice Spread
EXERCISE CT #9: Radhue's Wheel spread
EXERCISE CT #11: Strength
EXERCISE CT #12: Magician Spread
EXERCISE CT #13-1: High Priestess Triangular Layout
EXERCISE CT #13-2: Courting the High Priestess
EXERCISE CT #13-3: Five-card High Priestess spread
"Macrocosmic" exercise readings
EXERCISE CT #1: Quick evaluation and solution macro
EXERCISE CT #2: Energy Spread macro
EXERCISE CT #3: Cosmic Pool macro
EXERCISE CT #4: Emperor Spread macro
EXERCISE CT #8: Justice Spread macro
EXERCISE CT #11: Strength macro
Participatory exercises, meditations/visualizations, etc.
EXERCISE NLa: Emperor--long
EXERCISE NLb: Empress--long [adaptation of Emperor exercise]
EXERCISE NLc: High Priestess [adaptation of Emperor exercise]
EXERCISE NL #92: Dream Lover
EXERCISE NL #95: Wedding
EXERCISE NLe: Chariot: Magical Mystery Tour
EXERCISE NL #38: Sliding
Journal Exercise
Exercises marked "CT" are from the Comparative Tarot group files,
and those marked "NL" are from Nina Lee Braden's Tarot for Self Discovery.
Tarot index
Graphics courtesy of Full Moon Graphics.
Exercises from August 2003 to present; pages created May 2004; last updated September 6, 2004.