EXERCISE CT #11: Strength spread macro
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 2004 01:04:00 +0200
From: Moonchild
To: Comparative Tarot http://comparativetarot.com

Spread from Power Tarot by MacGregor & Vega, p.196.

For my macro version, I'm using the Thoth.

> Strength Spread
>     3    4
>   2
> 1

> 1) The world's greatest strength.

Nine of Disks--"Gain"
The world has the prosperity and resources to make every human life liveable (i.e. food and water).  

> 2) How the world can enhance this strength.  

Three of Cups--"Abundance"
Not only abundance, but sharing, distribution. There are (at least) 13 streams of water in this card.  

> 3) How the world can apply it to a relationship, project, or event.  

The Priestess
The world can apply its strength by following inner rather than outer knowledge; by following the law
written in its heart rather than the law written on its coins.  

> 4) What this strength brings the world.    

The Aeon
This could be taken a couple of ways. The Aeon is inevitable, regardless of how we get there. On the one hand,
we have the prosperity of the world concentrated, which could lead to an Armegeddon-like transformation (XVI).
On the other hand, we could distribute the resources all over the world, and make our own Eden, like we were
supposed to do (I).  

One Love All Love,


This page is excerpted from my original contributions to the Comparative Tarot discussion group.
Graphics created and generously shared by Full Moon Graphics.


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