Exercise CT #7: The Chariot-The Challenge
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2004 22:59:54 +0200
From: Moonchild
To: Comparative Tarot http://comparativetarot.com
> This card's exercise is entitled: "The Chariot-The Challenge", and YOU
> are writing it. Any spread will do for this exercise. It can have 3 cards
> or any number thereafter. It is your choice ;-) There are only 2 rules:
> 1) The spread has to involve SOME sort of challenge, whether it be in
> the "question" or in the design of the layout itself.
> 2) You must use the Comparative Tarot *method* (i.e. more than one deck
> either actually/physically or in your interpretation of the meanings of the
> cards within your spread)5
1 2
3 4
6 7Okay, here's my Chariot layout. First, you have to have the vehicle, so
positions 1 & 2 represent the chariot's wheels, or the "project" and
"resources." (I don't want to assign these words specifically to 1 or
2; it will leave more interpretive leeway if I don't.) Then you need
power, so positions 3 & 4 are the horses--motivators or movers. Next
comes the driver as position 5, the Charioteer or Navigator. Since this
is Trump VII, we need seven positions. So 6 & 7 are possible
destinations (or, the destination, and where the luggage will end up).For my personal (micro) spread, I'll use the Navigators of the Mystic
SEA (so there will be a lot of bibliomancy), and compare with Palladini.1. project/resources--Eight of Wands: velocity
This card is rather like the Fool meets the Knight of Wands. He's a
speedy messenger, which I interpret as the resource of speedy
communication of ideas through the Internet. As a "project," it's my
web site (and my Comp Tarot exercises!)2. project/resources--Nine of Pents: acquistion
The person pictured on this card is clearly a homeowner. I am also a
homeowner, and we have long-term plans for remodeling. Like the figure
in the card, we are working on outdoor stuff. Our next project is
building a "meditation corner" in our garden, for which we must acquire
furniture and trellises.3. motivator/mover--Empress: conception
This is a motivator for position 2, conceiving and nurturing plans for
our family's space (esp. the garden).4. motivator/mover--Seven of Pents: variance
Not sure about this one.
5. Navigator (knowledge, direction(s), initiation, mastery)--Four of Pents: authority
This card shows me that I have to claim what's mine (not necessarily
limited to material things), and quit relying on others so much for the
things I should have and do.6. destination--Tower: attention
7. destination--Five of Pents: adversity
Seeing these two cards, I'm afraid I'm going to lose all my money, and
not be able to remodel my house! OTOH, the Tower could literally be the
remodeling, and the Five of Pents that we will spend all our money on it.Looking back over this spread, I have to think again about the Eight of
Wands. Maybe I should look on the Internet for remodelling ideas?The Palladini deck seems to emphasize moving with more speed (8W) toward
the nice comforable home that I want (9P, III). The 7P shows more of
the eager patience of watching the slow progress. The 4P shows a figure
much more comfortably with his Pents, i.e. authority, possessions, and
the responsibilities that go with those. He actually looks like a
Chariot driver carrying two spares.
The Tower looks more like a house, but I don't like the flames. And the
people on the 5P are without a house. I hope my husband doesn't lose
his job.I wanted to pull a card to clarify the last two cards. I got the
Hierophant. Pulled another. Arch Priestess. Guess I'd better pray
about it.
One Love All Love,
This page is excerpted from my original contributions to the Comparative Tarot discussion group.
Graphics created and generously shared by Full Moon Graphics.