While Jesus was on earth, he told his followers: "God is a Spirit, and those worshiping him must worship with spirit and truth." (John 4:24) Jesus lived by those words. He always spoke the truth. He perfectly imitated his Father, "Jehovah the God of truth." -- Psalm 31:5, John 14:9.
Through the pages of the Bible, Jehovah has made it clear that he hates all forms of deception. (Psalm 5:6) In view of this, is it not ironic that so many features associated with Christmas smack of falsehood? For instance, think of the fairy tale about Santa Claus. Have you ever tried explaining to a child why Santa prefers entering through a chimney instead of a door, as is widely held in many lands? And how does Santa visit so many millions of homes in just one evening? What about flying reindeer? When a child learns that he has been deceived about believing that Santa is a real person, does it not undermine his trust in his parents?
The Catholic Encyclopedia plainly states: "Pagan customs . . . gravitated to Christmas." Then why do the Catholic Church and other churches of Christendom continue to perpetuate a holiday the customs of which are not of Christian origin? Does that not indicate a condoning of pagan teaching? |
Clearly, the facts about modern Christmas are not very flattering. It is largely a manufactured holiday with much evidence pointing to a degraded past. In all good conscience, then, millions of Christians have decided not to celebrate Christmas. For example, one youth name Ryan says regarding Christmas: "People get so excited about a couple of days a year when the family gets together and all are happy. But what is so special about that? My parents give me gifts all year!" Another youth, 12 years old, says: "I don't feel deprived. I receive gifts throughout the year, not just on one special day when people feel obligated to purchase gifts."
The prophet Zechariah encouraged fellow Israelites to "love truth and peace." (Zechariah 8:19) If we, like Zechariah and other faithful men of old, "love truth," should we not avoid any false religious celebration that dishonors the "living and true God," Jehovah? -- Thessalonians 1:9.
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