Well, maybe not that special--just a collection of articles and opinions, actual fact and personal fantasy, thoughts, images and of course the pumpkin soup recipes that everyone comes here for. Someday I'm going to make the icons more uniform, but not today.
New Year's |
Fasnacht |
Vernal equinox (Spring) (when is it?) |
Sechselaeuten |
Summer solstice (when is it?) |
Lammas |
Harley Fest / Easy Rider Party |
Halloween |
The Pilgrims and Their Struggle for Freedom |
Winter Solstice (when is it?) |
Christmas |
Special Thanks to: U.S. Naval Observatory Astronomical
Applications Department;
Equinoxes, Solstices, Perihelion, and Aphelion
1992-2020 {http://aa.usno.navy.mil/data/docs/EarthSeasons.html}
last updated: May 2003