XIV Temperance

Alternate names: Art

BASIC DESCRIPTION: A golden-haired angel with white gown and large red wings dominates the scene, pouring water from a chalice in the left hand into one in the right hand. The symbol of the sun (i.e. a circle with a middle point) rest just above the angel's brow, and a triangle inside a square adorns its breast. The angel does not stand firmly on the ground, but seems to balance using its wings, as one foot rests on land and the other in water. A path leads up from the water to light-crowned mountains in the distance (see Moon, Death). Beside the water grow two yellow irises (goddess of the rainbow).
TIME: Spring (May), when the yellow irises bloom.

MEANINGS UPRIGHT: Economy, moderation, frugality, management, accommodation. Temperance, middle ground, avoiding excess, adjustment, compromise, patience, conservation, wise management of self and environment. Balance, harmony, equilibrium. An even-tempered and/or well-balanced person. Cooperation, diplomacy, uniting opposites, bringing people together, effective management skills, smooth-running partnership, merger. Combinations, blend of ingredients, consolidation, synthesis, fusion, integration, creative action. ART. Alchemy. Fertilization. Maintaining health, well-being, fitness, well-balanced diet, a person in the fitness, nutrition or health profession.
ALSO: Recycling. Bartender; matchmaker; peacemaker. Living within one's means (financially, environmentally, emotionally, etc.) "Temperance teaches us that we must live simply so that others may simply live."--Tracy Hoover

MEANINGS REVERSED: Things connected with churches, religions, sects, the priesthood, sometimes even the priest who will marry the Querent; also disunion, unfortunate combinations, competing interests. Intemperance, immoderation, overindulgence, excess, extremity, friction, stress, imbalance, carelessness. Mismanagement, trouble with communications and/or relationships, inability to work with others, competing desires and interests, unbalanced personality. Sterility, barrenness, extinction, ravaged environment, ecological disasters; misuse of resources, the short-term mentality of corporations and politicians. Addictions, poor health, misdiagnosis of a medical problem.
ALSO: Tendency to overdo things. Poor combinations. Being in the middle of situations. Coming between people.

BIBLICAL: And unless the soul be restrained by temperance, it will bring down into a net the whole lust of the belly which is of the body. For the body is greedy, but temperance restraineth the soul, and therefore Paul said: 'That which the soul doth not wish the body wisheth; and that which the body doth not wish the soul wisheth, and so each contends against the other.--Galatians 5:17
MYTHOLOGICAL/HISTORICAL: Mary Magdalene and her alabaster jar
ASTROLOGICAL: (1) Capricorn--pragmatist; (2) Taurus--maintainer; (GD) Sagittarius

ANIMAL/INSECT: earthworm, centaur; firefly, water (skater) bug, cricket
PLANT: lotus
MUSIC: harp
bartender, chemist, pharmacist; negotiator, addiction counselor

PERSONAL THOUGHTS: As the Star can relate to recovering, so can Temperance relate to maintaining.

IMAGE: Brewing the Love Potion by Mac Harshberger, from Tristan and Iseult.. Image courtesy of The Camelot Project at the University of Rochester.




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