[MC update] Moonchild's Update

Moonchild moonchild at moonchild.ch
Tue Mar 2 14:41:20 EST 2004

Here's the latest on my Tarot site:

Tarot of European Countries--a list of Major correspondences for a
handful of countries

Pinky Tarot--a few cards I've made featuring photos of my daughter

An overview of cards I've made for collaborative decks and for myself:

Also, I am finally getting the Minors back up.  I haven't started on the
index yet, but the following cards are now on-line:
Wands 03:  The Maiden Voyage of the Widow's Son
Cups 03:  Harmony
Swords 03: Tara

I'll be working on my garden journal again soon, including a chart for
companion planting.  I hope I can get it up in time for the info to
benefit the gardeners out there, but in truth it will probably be a
month or more, since I am going on vacation soon.  I'll keep you posted.

One Love All Love,

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