Minor occupations



King of Wands

pool player, conductor/band leader, writer (TdM)

Queen of Wands

midwife, cleaning lady, florist

Knight of Wands

athlete (esp. polo, baseball, hockey, golf, Olympian)

Page of Wands

shepherd, bass player, surveyor

King of Swords

blacksmith, butcher, IT, computer geek

Queen of Swords

seamstress, consultant, blackmailer, secretary

Knight of Swords

lawyer, silversmith

Page of Swords

student, journalist

King of Cups

doctor, admiral, emcee, motivational speaker

Queen of Cups

vintner, conservationist, prostitute, diviner

Knight of Cups

gigilo (how do you spell it?), salesman, customer service

Page of Cups

waiter/ess, fisherman

King of Pents

landlord, banker, pawn shop owner

Queen of Pents

baker, appraiser, pet store owner

Knight of Pents

farmer, overseer, foreman, construction worker

Page of Pents

cashier, delivery person, bowler = )

Major occupationsMinor occupations

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Created: June 10, 2000