Moonchild's Best

Tarot Links

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last updated September 2005

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Healing Tarot -- Reverend Jennifer Elizabeth Moore has created a gorgeous deck. Through photography of living subjects, using masks, paints and props, she has presented us with a special vision. {}

Ancestral Path Tarot -- My favorite deck, multi-cultural and created by Julie Cuccia-Watts. {}

Shadowscapes Tarot Gallery by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law. Her SF&F Art site includes additional Tarot images toward the bottom of the page. { &}


The Halloween Tarot by Kipling West will trick and treat you. {}

Silicon Valley Tarot -- self-proclaimed "fortune telling from the land of fortune making," this site is hilarious to a computer geek like me. {}

The Disney Afternoon Tarot by Lar deSouza {}

Hollywood Tarot -- Tarot type-casting at its finest. {}


Dave's Tarot is a reality check deck -- you won't find any flittering butterflies on this one. Simple yet dynamic b/w drawings are to-the-point, like the exclamation at the end of a sentence. {}

Cosmic Tribe Tarot -- After a long gestation, Stevee Postman has given birth to one Wild Child. {}

Shakespeare Eclectic Erotic Tarot Page by Brian David Phillips, including his "Tarot Truth or Dare" game. {}

Most Erotic Justice Card Ever (X Tarot) {}

Erotic Devil {}

Torot of Eris -- A couple of spoof cards. {}


The Wheel of Change Tarot -- A really cool deck. Includes images and background information. {}

A Fool and Her Friends -- Each of Sally Anne Stephen's cards is dedicated to one of her Tarot friends. {}

See also Self-published Works.


Villa Revak -- "Interactive Adventures in Tarot History, Humor, Books, Decks, Cards, & More" {}
Tarot Foolery {}

Hysteria, Mysteria & War -- Jess Karlin's Tarot Page {}

dtking's Tarot Weekly -- Tarot reader and pioneer in Tarot on the net, dtking provides insights into various aspects of the Tarot. {}

Michael Hurst's Tarot Notebook "This site is primarily about the allegorical meaning of a 560-year old card game." {}

Meditations on the Tarot -- A Journey into Christian Hermeticism {}

Tarot, Emblems and Fables by Tea Prentice {}

Tarot For Christians Interesting insights from The Church of Yahweh {}

Tarot and Dreams Interpreting the Symbols of the Soul by Julie Gillentine {}

Tarot and Psychology Spectrums of Possibility by Dr. Art Rosegarten {}

Tarot and Numerology {}

Tarot and the Zodiacal Signs by Anthony Lewis, author of Tarot Plain and Simple. {}

A Marxist Fool's Journey Yet another system that works with Tarot {}


Learning the Tarot - An Online Course -- Joan Bunning's GREAT Tarot site and on-line course has something to offer all levels of students. One of my first bookmarks ever. {}

The Tarot School offers classes and correspondence courses on Tarot, as well as Magickal and Occult information [Arcanum Magazine] and links. {}

Builders of the Adytum (BOTA) -- Builders of the Adytum Tarot deck by Paul Foster Case and Jessie Burns Parke, as well as correspondence courses. {}

Selected Resources for New and for Advanced Students at VillaRevak { &}

The Pictorial Key to the Tarot at Sacred Texts {}

Mathers on the Tarot "Its Occult Significance, Use in Fortune-Telling, and Method of Play, Etc." {}


Tarot passages -- One of the top Tarot resources, with lots of reviews, references and info. {}

Wicce's Tarot Collection -- Another very comprehensive web site. Info from tools to techniques on this up-to-date resource. {}

Aecletic Tarot -- Decks, books, meanings and community. {}

The World of Playing Cards -- view by theme or country {}

Individual card comparisions from about 200 decks {}

List of sites that show entire decks {}


Pythagorean Tarot -- a scholarly approach for when you really want to strain your brain. {}

Tarot Inspiration -- A site devoted to the Crowley-Harris Thoth deck. Read others' interpretations or submit your own. Links to other Crowley related sites. {}

A.E. Waite -- Writings and portraits. {}

Reference Guide for Tarot Layouts (Tarot Spreads FAQ) by David C. Jones. Fifty-two spreads can be found here. {}

3-Card Spreads -- a long list of variants {}


Tarot-L History Information Sheet "Current historical understanding" of the origins and myths of Tarot. {}

Bob O'Neill Library -- The ultimate Tarot scholar and Hareophant offers Iconology of the Early Tarot, Catharism and the Tarot, Magic and the Early Tarot and Tarot Influences. {}

The Hermitage by Tom Tadfor Little -- highly intelligent and insightful, yet not beyond common comprehension. {}

Brief History of Playing-Cards at the International Playing-Card Society site. {}

Tarot and Other Early Cards at Andy's Playing Cards -- with a family tree! {}

Holly's Rider-Waite Tarot Site The premiere source for info on the earliest editions. {}

Letters Between Aleister Crowley and Lady Freida Harris {}

Aleister Crowley Picture Gallery {}

Lady Frieda Harris -- artist of the Crowley Thoth deck {}

Alternative Thoth versions and preliminary studies by Lady Frieda Harris (}

A History of Egyptian Tarot Decks with many images for comparison. {}


Comparative Tarot list -- Discussion list in which I currently participate. What I call the "Shufflers' List." {}

Tarot-l -- Tarot-l mailing list. What I call the "Non-Shufflers' List." {}

Tapestry Magazine -- A fabulous on-line magazine for the Tarot community. Crystal Sage puts together articles, reviews and other goodies, as well as a well-organized page of links. Not currently published; back issues available on-line. {}

The American Tarot Association -- {}

The Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot Card Copyright FAQ {}

Copyright for Collage Artists by Victoria Regina creator Sarah Ovenall {}


Jonathan's Online Tarot Readings (Facade) -- My Netscape default page for my daily card draw, offers variety of decks and spread. You can even choose your significator for the Celtic Cross. {}

Thoth deck readings by Fourth Dimension {}

Matrix Interactive offers insightful readings using only the Major Arcana. Interesting choice of decks and spreads. {}


Rider-Waite images -- gifs of the whole deck, in small and super-huge sizes. {}

Mac Divination Downloads

Tarot Works is a simple but efficient shareware reading program for Mac. {}


U.S. Games Tarot & Cartomancy -- makers (and copyright holders) of cards of every variety. {}

AG Müller--famous Swiss card makers {}

Llewellyn Publications, Inc. -- How many of your books have that crescent moon? (And the rest have ankhs, right?) {}

Lo Scarabeo -- Italian card publishers, offering lovely and unique decks. {}


Maledicta Moonchild -- on-line shop carries a variety of decks, as well as Wiccan/Pagan items. They deserve the name. {}

Astarte's Tarot Web -- Astarte's Tarot Web has descriptions of many popular decks, as well as stores listed by region. {}

R. Somerville of Edinburgh -- Every deck you could think of . . . and then some. No pics and prices in pounds. {}

AddAll book price comparison search {}

Tarot Totes -- Hundreds of fabric tarot bags. Nice note pad covers too! {}

Tarot Boxes -- lovely wooden boxes of all shapes and sizes. Tarot boxes include images from RW. {}


Tarot Games How to play the trick-taking game(s). {}

Le Tarot Software which allows you to play the Tarot card game according to the 4 players rules of the French Federation of Tarot. {}

Fool's Journey Interactive journey through the Tarot {}

Gnostica "Risk" with a twist. {}

Making Custom Card Boxes Includes instructions and templates for making your own paper or cardboard boxes. {}

Crafted Tarot Decks Alternatives to paper cards: quilted, stitched, beaded, sculpted. {}

ITS Conference Photos 1999 {}

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