esson 53: Merlin


he hawk flies away and I hear deep laughter. I turn to the left and see Merlin, sitting behind a stone table, smiling and beckoning. He speaks: "It is said that when the student is ready, the teacher appears. But in your case it's 'When the student is ready, the student appears.'!"
"Well, here I am," I reply, chuckling.
"Come over here," he says. "Are you ready to bloom into the flying, singing one the hawk spoke of?"
"Oh, absolutely."
"Truth lies at the heart of the stone. Have a look; tell me what you see."

erlin's irror

1. What is the face I show to the world?--Spear Knight [fire of fire]
This card has come recently to represent my desire to ACT. Some have told me that it would be rash and/or foolish to do so. I'm afraid one person sees me as being 'pushy.' Others have advised me to act, and expect me to do so.
In another aspect, I am coming back to life--recapturing my energy--with the approach of spring.
Active and adventurous, but risky and hasty.
2. What hidden fears lead me to assume this mask?--Talesin
Although a story can seldom be worse than reality, it can always be better. I want to make the story, not be made into the story.
Also, fear of a mundane or traditional lifestyle, or fearing to appear as such.
3. What do I expect to gain from presenting this mask?--Grail Nine
The Arthurian Tarot book says: "Satisfaction, one's heart's desire; security; physical pleasure; emotional contentment." Good motivations for anything, I'd say.
Actually, in my current situation, I can get frustrations out this way--by saying I'm going to do this and that. It brings satisfaction. In other situations, my 'planned impetuousness' definitely brought me some of that other stuff. = )
4. What am I doing with my life?--Spear Eight
Progressing, growing, communicating, moving along, going with the flow.
5. Who would I like to be?--Grail Queen
This is the woman who loves her neighbor.
6. What is preventing me from becoming this?--Grail Ten
This doesn't make a lot of sense. Perhaps my desire for a peaceful, happy home, which I don't have. This card has a solitary feel--maybe that's a clue.
7. What opportunities am I avoiding?--The Cauldron
Learning moderation of emotions, and how to handle the bad as well as the good. I'd rather avoid the bad then learn to deal directly with it. Also, relationships and companionship with women (off-line).
8. How do I envision my life becoming?--Lady of the Lake
I strive toward enlightenment and the ability to draw on a well-developed intuition. I envision a life of ever-increasing knowledge of spiritual law, and wisdom to be ruled by same.
9. Who is the real me?--Spear Five
The Arthurian Tarot book says: "the need to distinguish between rightful intuition and unassuaged desires." Yes, I struggle constantly between what's 'right' and what I want--between conscience and conscious--and how to know the difference.
Also, I tend to go in different directions at the same time.
10. What is my life purpose?--Stone Nine
I have a hard time with this card, and I was pondering it, and thinking about the recent meditation when I took my sculpture out there to 'show' the animals. I suddenly had this telescopic view--the stone carving, the woods, the card, the table, my house . . . and out from there.
Someone once said that I must have been very good at Show and Tell as a child. I think my life purpose is to show and tell. What? That if a human can create a stone carving to set in the woods, whowhat created the woods, the animals, &c. Gifts and blessings. Simple bliss.
[Putting on best televangelist voice:] "I have a MESSAGE for youuuuuu today, and it's a MESsage of SIM-PLE BLISSSSSS. Say Hallelujah!"
11. What do I still need to assimilate to find the real me?--Stone Queen
Practicality! 'nuff said.
12. What masks do I need to drop?--Sword Nine
Hah! That's no mask, but I definitely need to drop my worrying, depression, despair . . . and quit sharing these concerns with others. Drop the long face!
13. What is the next stop in my life's journey?--Grail Five
This card seems ambiguous . . . mysterious. Only the journey is indicated, not the destination. Looking forward, rather than behind.

Merlin gifts me with a fragment of the mirror. I see the Stone Queen and am reminded of what I need to assimilate--practicality.


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