esson 35: Wounded King


he wind blows the ship to an island, where I disembark and walk along a path through thinning trees to a sun-filled grove. Here lies the Wounded King and my heart goes out to him. I wish I had the Spear Hallow with me! His wolfhound comes with a soulful sad look, then stands with his front paws on my shoulders and howls.

"Oh, why must creation suffer?" I ask.
   I look to the first banner and see a creature, half man, half beast. As I watch, the beast gains prominence, roaring and gnashing his teeth and extending his claws. Yes, I think man does it to himself and each other when he lets his beastly nature have the upper hand.1
"Why are you wounded, O King?"
   On the second banner, I see the King as he was and is, spilling his blood onto the ground. From these bloody pools grow amazing and unique flowers, which in turn transmute into humans. On the sea of blood sails the ship of future generations. The most noble sacrifice is one made so that others may live.
"What can I do to bring healing?"
   The third banner reveals the Grail. I must give to drink, I must lave the wounds, with water from the Grail of my heart. [What did I read recently about tears? Something about gathering tears.]

   The King motions to the dog with his left hand. The dog goes over to the bushes at the base of a tree and comes back with something in his mouth, which he drops at my feet. I pick it up and see that it is a bottle made of blue glass, just a bit taller than the width of my palm. It is teardrop shaped, and I understand that this is to collect water which will later be poured into the Grail.


1) "Man has dominated man to his injury." {back}

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