esson 33a: Gawain's Shield Reading


1) Nature of service--Grail Maiden

Hmm, I think this is a bit of an idealistic draw for me. Book says: "she exemplifies the way of service." The nature of my service is not primarily through material giving (Pents), great ideas (Swords) or getting motivated and fired up (Wands). Rather, it is emotional, and I'm reminded of what Tara's mom Barbara said: "Thanks for caring so damned much." I care.

2) Generosity--Grail Eight

Since I haven't meditated this card yet, I don't want to look up its meaning. It gives me a sense of throwing things away or being out of place. The chalice should be on the altar, in a place of honor, rather than spilled on the ground outside.
Perhaps this indicates that my generosity is "free-flowing" outside, but not honored and honoring in my own sanctuary/home? Even though hubby can create his own light, he still needs his candlestick polished once in a while!

3) Courtesy--Stone Two . . .

. . . where feelings and actions sometimes part ways! Fortunately, there is the solid, long-standing stone for guidance. It's sometimes rough, cold, wet terrain, but ya just need the right shoes to get through it!

4) Compassion--Grail King

Another one I haven't studied and won't look up, although I do recall Healing Tarot has "compassion" as the keyword for this card. This is a guy who would move an earthworm off the sidewalk and back into the grass, or catch a spider and put it out the window while his wife is screaming, "Kill it! Kill it!" Personally, I'd put a wasp out, but I'd leave the spider inside where he could work for me.

5) Self-discipline--Sword Knight

I don't have self-discipline; my husband fills the function for me! Or, he's the driving force behind it, anyway. 6) Commitment to the Quest--Cauldron My commitment is ever-changing: sometimes fresh, sometimes mature, sometimes old. I want to stir up that internal, underground cauldron of self and let the vapors rise and color and scent my world.  

The gift from Gawain is a piece of Talesin's rope, showing how Strength can be created from the intertwining of many small fibers.  

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