It is in the nature of Wands to see life as battle, but in its best sense battle becomes an exciting struggle, eagerly sought after. The Fives in general show some difficulty or loss, but the element of Fire translates problems into competition, seen as a way in which people communicate with society and with each other. The young people are fighting, but not to hurt each other. Like children playing knights they bang their sticks together without really hitting anyone. They seek not to destroy but only to compete for the sheer joy of action.
Reversed: The exciting competition right side up implies a sense of rules and fair play, for without understood agreements struggle as a game becomes impossible. Reversed, the card indicates that the rules are being abandoned, that in fact the battle has taken on a more serious, a nastier tone. The sense of play changes to bitterness or dissillusionment as people seek actually to hurt or ruin each other. The Fire attitude to life, especially when not extended by Swords awareness and wisdom, demands that life respond in a positive way and not show its crueller side. The Five reversed brings to mind again that phrase 'the fire has gone out'."--Rachel Pollack
This looks like five imps are fighting, but don't be fooled. The Imps are pure energy, and these mischievous rabble-rousers are just blowing off some steam. Imps can't stand stagnation, and if nothing is going on, they will often create conflicts where none existed.
The number-five cards in the Tarot generally signal some loss or difficulty, but the Imps are of the opinion that change is good. Next time the creative embers in your life start to go cold, take a hint from the Five of Imps--rub some sticks together.--Karin Lee
Battles, mock or real, are considered by many to be an initiation into manhood.--Jean Huets
The Five of Wands is a card of ritual. Think about the rituals in your life and respect them. Formalize these rituals and use them to grow. Consider what ritual is. Ritual helps us experience life more fully. We create a safe space in which to let go of conventions, sing, be sillly, act and cry, and through this we can find new power and recognize our strengths. Ritual gives us a way to communicate with the unconscious because it will hear and see the ritual form and learn from it. Rituals are a way to acknowledge the family, the past, and our traditions, which help us understand the passage of time and our role in it. In ritual we learn to align our simple human selves with everything that is beyond us. This gives us the inner power to change ourselves and to work for positive change in the world.
Find a way to use ritual to connect with everything that seems outside and foreighn to you now. Find parts of yourself in each of the four directions, possibly by writing about them and how the element or season affects you. Then stand at the center of your writings and imagine them all combined within you. You exist at the center of the ritual wheel defining the directions and elements in your life, just as the white candle stands at the center of the altar. See this as your power; use it to grow beyond the bounds of your present circumstances. Find a ritual space and use it to achieve your goals.--Alexandra Genetti
The 5 of Wands stands for those times when your environment seems to be "fighting" you. Nothing flows smoothly; everyone and everything is working at cross-purposes. Notice how the figures on this card are all batting at each other. There is no coordinated effort, no agreement. When this card shows up, be prepared for bumpy rides. You're going to need extra patience and perseverance to get to the point where you can accomplish anything. The 5 of Wands does not represent major blockages, just many small, irritating ones.
This card also stands for competition. In the right circumstances, competition serves a useful purpose by fostering extra effort, generating excitement and encouraging the best. At its heart, however, it reinforces the same scattered energy that produces hassles. When the 5 of Wands appears in a reading, you must check for competitive elements in your situation, and, if you find them, make sure they are helping you and others reach your (real!) goals. Otherwise, you would do best to change your approach.--Joan Bunning
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