A man in the act of carrying away five swords rapidly; the two
others of the card remain stuck in the ground. A camp is close at
hand.--A.E. Waite
Netzach, in the suit of Swords, does not represent such catastrophe
as in the other suits, for Netzach, the Sephira of Venus, means
victory. There is, therefore, a modifying influence; and this is
accentuated by the celestial rule of the Moon in Aquarius.
The intellectual wreckage of the card is thus not so vehement as in
the Five. There is vacillation, a wish to compromise, a certain
toleration. But, in certain circumstances, the results may be more
disastrous than ever. This naturally depends upon the success of the
policy. This is always in doubt as long as there exist violent,
uncompromising forces which take it as a natural prey.
This card, like the Four, suggests the policy of appeasement.
The symbol shows six Swords with their hilts in crescent formation.
Their points meet below the centre of the card, impinging upon a
blade of a much larger up-thrusting sword, as if there were a contest
between the many feeble and the one strong. He strives in
vain.--Aleister Crowley
Compare the 5 and 7 of Swords cards. In the 5 of Swords, someone is
deceiving the querent, while in the 7 of Swords card, the querent is
deceiving someone else. This may only mean that he is keeping his
thoughts to himself, or, in a work situation, it could mean he is
making changes (like sending out resumés) and not telling
anyone. This card indicates someone who uses secrecy or deception to
get what is wanted. One may make plans, but be unsure as to how
they'll work--it's a good time to double check all the facts and
figures. Since the man in the card is looking over his shoulder to
see what is behind him, this card can also mean that the querent is
discreetly analyzing his actions and may be cutting his losses and
leaving a situation while it's possible to do so.--Janet Berres
The 7 of Swords is closely tied to the 5 of Swords because both cards
involve a sense of being separate from others. On the 7 we see a man
tiptoeing away from society (the colorful pavilions). He's taken some
swords and seems to feel rather happy about this. What he plans to do
with these swords is anyone's guess, but...he's definitely not going
to include anyone else!
Sometimes the 7 of Swords means that you are running from
something - commitment, responsibility, hard work...it's amazing what
we can think of to avoid! As procrastination, this isn't too bad, but
sometimes we just have to face what has to be faced. The 7 of Swords
can let you know when you might be making things worse for yourself
and others by running away.
The 7 of Swords can also indicate a hidden dishonor - a choice you
(or others) have made that does not do justice to the higher ideals
and goals you hold for yourself. We all make wrong choices that we
want to hide. Some of these are minor, some serious. Your inner voice
will tell you when this is happening. When you see the 7 of Swords,
take a good look at what you're doing because hidden dishonors will
eat away at your self-respect and happiness.--Joan Bunning
For sources, see the
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