Alternate names: The Magus, The Alchemist, Moses; Merlin, Existence, the Transformer, Shape Shifter, the Juggler, Le Bateleur (Bearer of the Baton), El Mago (Dali)

BASIC DESCRIPTION: The Magician has all the tools of the trade. Double-ended candle raised in right hand; left hand pointing to the earth. The six cardinal points are covered. Roses and lilies. He has mastered even the dimension of time. He is the ancient architect?
I see the Magician as Moses. He was raised in Pharaoh's house, and probably got one of the best educations in magick of anyone. According to the story, it was YHVH's power backing him up. (Isn't it always?) He's raising his rod in his right hand and bringing the Creator's power to bear on the earth through the combined will of them both. As I recall, and I haven't looked it up, Moses was always stretching out his hand and raising his rod when he performed miracles. (Wait...Ok, I looked it up. Skimming through Genesis I found 10 references to this.)  
I see in the Magician one of the definitions of magick: "Magick is the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will." He's got all the directions covered, with the four tools on the table representing North, South, East, West (among other things), his hands indicating above and below (and all that entails) and the...what's it called...the infinity symbol--he's mastered even the dimension of time. This card also brings to mind MANY stories of angels/gods/heroes who brought to earth many of the secrets of heaven, including metal working, writing, etc. He is a teacher, but also a student, for there's no end to knowledge. COLORS: Yellow. "...clothed in the robes of Thoth: a red mantle over white robe with an indigo nemyss. Upon her breast is the magic seal of Mercury..." description of Thoth-evocation ritual in "Women of the Golden Dawn," Mary K. Greer, p.171
NUMBER OF CARD: 1--I, the self-consciousness; singleness of purpose
TIME: spring (equinox to Beltane/May Day), i.e. April

TRADITIONAL MEANINGS UPRIGHT: Skill, diplomacy, address, subtlety; self-confidence, will; the Querant, if male. Originality, creativity, ability to utilize one's capabilities in order to accomplish a task. Imagination, self-reliance, spontaneity, ingenuity, flexibility, masterfulness, self-control, deception, slight of hand.
ALSO: power to tap universal forces and use them for creative purposes. Primal forces of creativity are yours if you claim your power and act with awareness and concentration. A signal to act, and act now, provided you understand exactly what you want and are committed to getting it. Magickal and occult powers. Communication. Using skills of writing, speaking, persuasion. You are well blessed and your fervent attitude will bring about what you need. You are going in the right direction.

TRADITIONAL MEANINGS REVERSED: Physician, Magus, mental disease, disgrace, disquiet. Weakness of will, indecision, ineptness, insecurity, delay, the use of one's skills for destructive ends.
Remember, thoughts are real. Abuse of power. Manipulation for selfish desires. Lack of willpower, cannot seem to cope with obstacles. Not applying yourself in the right way. Cannot achieve anything unless you change your attitude.

BIBLICAL: Moses, Jesus, the Word-instruments of YHVH's will and able to perform miracles (causing Change to occur in conformity with Will)
MYTHOLOGICAL: Mercury (Roman), Hermes (Greek), and Thoth (Egyptian)--messengers of the Gods therefore having wisdom; also the *Atlantean* (she generalized, instead of trying to list them) in many legends who came out of the waters after the flood to rebuild the earth.
ASTROLOGICAL: (1) Mars, the "energizer." (2) Sun--illumination, self, ego; (GD) Mercury--messenger of the gods

ANIMAL/INSECT: ibis, dragon; dragonfly
PLANT: papyrus; roses and lilies!
CRYSTALS: Opal, Lodestone, pipe stone, tiger eye

BOOK: Black Elk's Vision in "Black Elk Speaks" where he is given similar tools.
MUSIC Wagner.
OCCUPATIONS: electrician, salesman, gambler; chef, auto mechanic, surgeon, trial attorney

PERSONAL THOUGHTS: The tools of spirit, body, heart and mind can be created/used to serve my true and free will, to "Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind. Love thy neighbor as thyself." One Love All Love. At-one-ment.

QUOTES FROM OTHER SOURCES: With the Wand createth He. With the Cup preserveth He. with the Dagger destroyeth He. With the Coin redeemeth He. "The Book of Thoth"

Robert Wang, in his book, The Qabalistic Tarot, writes;"...the energies of this card [Magician] are at once active and passive. The mystery of the Magician is that it is both that which transmits and that which is transmitted." (Pg. 241).

OTHER: East, wands, fire, brother; lightning, electricity

"co-creation"--"Where the attention goes, energy flows."

The Voice 

The Magus

 The Vision

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This page is excerpted from my original contributions to an online Tarot course discussion of this card graciously sponsored by Pandora's Bookstore.