He's dogged in pursuit of his goals. A hard worker, he has tremendous stamina and dedication. Every job is completed down to the last detail. He's careful and prudent, never wasteful. He knows the facts and is immune to false promises. On the negative side, this Knight is a bit stodgy and dull. He's not known for his playful sense of humor. Work always comes first. He tends to be inflexible and obsessive about little details. Stubborn to a fault, he refuses to give in even when wrong, something he'll never admit. He doesn't like change or risk and will always take the gloomiest view. -- Joan Bunning
The earthy nature of the Taurean bull is reflected in deep-rooted loyalties to people and to place. Taurus does not delight in belligerence, but he will fight to preserve the religion, homeland, and customs of his clan.. . . The prince of pentacles reflects a militant stand on issues of homeland, the rights of indigenous peoples, access to natural resources, ecology. . . . His deliberateness and innate caution may lead others to consider him stupid. Dullness can be a trait of the prince but more likely his wheels are turning efficiently behind an impassive facade. -- Jean Huets
The Knight of Disks represents the fiery part of Earth . . . the activity of Earth regarded as the producer of Life. . . . [He] is thus concerned greatly with agriculture. This warrior is short and sturdy in type. He is clothed in great solidity of plate armour; but his helmet, which is crested with the head of a stag, is thrown back, for at the moment his function is entirely confined to the production of food. For this reason he is armed with a flail. The disk which he bears, moreover, is very solid; it represents nutrition. These characteristics are borne out by his horse; a shire horse, solidly planted on all four feet, as was not the case with the other Knights. He rides through the fertile land; even the distant hills are cultivated fields.
Those whom he symbolizes tend to be dull, heavy and preoccupied
with material things. They are laborious and patient, but would have
little intellectual grasp even of matters which concern them most
closely. Their success in these is due to instinct, to imitation of
Nature. They lack initiative; their fire is the smouldering fire of
the process of growth. --
Aleister Crowley
He rides a slow, enduring, heavy horse, to which his own aspect corresponds. He exhibits his symbol, but does not look therein. -- A.E. Waite
Learning experiences. Reverence for the growth processes made possible through the
union of the sun and the earth.
Can represent one's genetic father, or a fatherly role model. A
tutor, teacher, or mentor who shares knowledge and wisdom. One who
nurtures the young, helping to develop newly planted ideas and
concepts. -- Tracey
The Knight of Disks is a master of health and material abundance. His diagnostic ability can be applied to the body, and also other material realms; money, finance, capital. In questions of health he is valuable in his capacity as a doctor and healer. In financial questions, he advice should be taken.--Gerd Ziegler
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