Knight of Cups

Alternate names: Prince of Cups, Fire of Water, Grail Knight, Son of the Deep, the Prince Who Shall Remain Nameless, Cad

MEANINGS: Arrival, approach--sometimes that of a messenger; advances, proposition, demeanour, invitation, incitement. Messenger from or guide through emotional, intuitive and spiritual realms. Proposal, invitation or opportunity, gift, seduction, attraction, passion. Mysterious or intense person. "You will meet a handsome stranger." Lyrical rather than logical.

TRAITS: Visionary, artistic, poetic, sensitive, imaginative, creative, introspective, taps the unconscious, has a gift for interpreting symbols. Romantic, dreamer, idealist, appreciates beauty, expresses sentiments beautifully, emotional passionate, charismatic, sensual, suave, compelling, intense. Generally attractive, mysterious and seductive like forbidden fruit.

MEANINGS REVERSED: Trickery, artifice, subtlety, swindling, duplicity, fraud. A sly and cunning person, swindler, cad or 'masher.'" Haughtiness. "Militant hedonism" (Tom Tadfor Little)

TRAITS: Fanciful, overactive imagination, indulges in daydreams and fantasies, escapist tendencies. Promiscuous, excessive, lacks restraint, self-absorbed, narcissistic, obsessed with his own emotional needs, arrogant, makes excuses and justifies, lays the blame or dirty work on others. Inner tragic motif, "bad boy," turbulent, troubled, irresponsible, melodramatic, can be petulant and sulky, temperamental, moody, melancholy, lacks robust good health, may have trouble with weight, alcohol or drugs.

FROM: Tom Tadfor Little <>

<< Unlike the king, he lacks the nonchalance and gentleness needed to keep his indulgences from doing extensive damage. Innocent parties can easily get sideswiped as he pursues his addictions and obsessions.
< For him, emotions are tangible, powerful beings: demons, angels, magical beasts. Through his eyes, we can see the awesome powers and eternal profundities of human desires, ideals, and longings. >> 


Jim Morrison, Lord Byron, King Ludwig II, Edgar Allen Poe, Samuel T. Coelridge, Vincent Van Gogh,
Lovers & Heros:
Lohengrin, Lancelot, Galahad, Prince Charming, Romeo, Tristan, Lestat, Lady of Shalott, Jason (Argonaut), Joan of Arc, Marilyn Monroe?,

<< What makes Tristan particularly suitable is that he is not only hopelessly romantic and sensitive but he is also irresponsible and melancholic. He falls desperately in love with his King's betrothed, Isolde, while transporting her from Ireland to his King. And how does he fall in love with her? When Isolde offers him a *cup* in which her maid has accidentally placed a love potient. The cup is always a very important prop in the opera and the chracters sing about it throughout the work.
< So there you have it from Wagner and the Collective Unconscious >>--James W. Revak

Princes and their Water--"drinking and drowning." (The Fire is the intensity and passion.)



Personal correspondences and thoughts

The Voice fire

Mojo Risin'

The Vision water

Moonchild's home page

Tarot main page
