Angkor Wat   NGKOR   AT


   "The whole Angkor complex, of which Angkor Wat is the largest component, extends 15 miles (24 kilometers) from east to west and 8 miles (13 kilometers) north to south. Besides the buildings, there is a vast system of reservoirs, canals, and moats that were used for water control and irrigation. Together they symbolized the ocean that in Hindu thought surrounded a central mountain, Mount Meru, dwelling place of the gods. In Angkor Wat the five central towers symbolize the peaks of the mountain. The wat is surrounded by an enormous moat, suggesting the oceans at the edge of the world. To reach the wall outside the temple one crosses a 617-foot (188-meter) bridge. Through the gateway the temple is reached by passing through three galleries, each separated by a paved walkway. The temple walls are covered with bas-relief sculptures of very high quality, representing Hindu gods and ancient Khmer scenes."

Excerpt from an excellent Compton's Encyclopedia Online article.


For pictures:

and more, visit Asian monuments at Leiden University.

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